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10 Reasons Medical Sonography is the Career for You

Diagnostic Medical Sonographers are part scientist and part artist. They use specialized medical equipment to capture images of human anatomy that help a patient’s team diagnose a disease or analyze a situation. Many people don’t know much about Medical Sonographers, so it can be an overlooked option even though Medical Sonography is a stable and promising career. Read on to learn more about why Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) may be the right career for you. 

Careers in Medical Sonography Booming

Ranked #1 for Best Health Care Support Jobs by U.S. News

In 2022 U.S. News ranked DMS as the #1 Best Health Care Support job and #22 in 100 Best Jobs1. Careers are rated based on salary, job market, future growth, stress, and work-life balance. With a high ranking according to these criteria, DMS checks every box! That’s a pretty big deal, but you shouldn’t be surprised. Medical Sonographers do meaningful work without the stress or demand of being an M.D. 

Promising Income and Job Outlook

According to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the annual average wage for a Diagnostic Medical Sonography technician in the State of Kentucky is $69,990, and $72,190 in Ohio2. Employment of DMS is estimated to grow by 10% in the next ten years, which is faster than average growth. Think about it, as the large baby-boom population continues

to age, the need to diagnose medical conditions that affect older adults—such as blood clots and heart disease—will likely increase, and diagnostic medical sonographers use imaging technology as a tool to help physicians diagnose these types of conditions.

You’ll Learn ALL About the Human Body

Students take anatomy and biology classes throughout their program to prepare for an anatomy-intensive job. Throughout your program and career, you learn all about the body, how it works and what’s happening when it isn’t working! If talking about the structures of human organs doesn’t sound like a fun dinner table conversation, what is?

You’ll Get Super Powers!

As a medical sonographer or ultrasound technician, you’ll use a superpower every day at work. You can see through walls. Well, the walls of human tissue. 

Medical Sonographers are Needed EVERYWHERE

One of the great things about working as a DMS is hospitals and clinics need you everywhere! You may live in Kentucky or Ohio now, but if you decide to pick up and move to Louisiana or New York, you’ll still have a job. If you can find a hospital or clinic, you can find a DMS position. 

You Can Specialize 

If you enjoy working with a specific patient demographic, you can specialize your services by choosing an appropriate work environment. For example, if you enjoy obstetric sonography (working with pregnant women), you may apply to work in an OBGYN clinic. 

Medical Sonography is for the Creatives and the Scientists

DMSs are at the intersection of creatives and scientists. It takes a biology and anatomy-loving person to master the technical skills needed to be a DSM. It takes an empathetic, compassionate, and creative person to master patient care and develop the talent involved in sonography. 

A Job You’ll Want To Brag About

As a DMS, you will work hands-on with patients daily, providing a service that is invaluable to their health. You’ll develop a bank of knowledge and compassion that will make you a skillful sonographer, something to be deeply proud of. 

Medical Sonographers Make a Difference in Patient Lives

DMSs work directly with patients every day. Since they are on the front line of care, DMSs have the opportunity to make or break a patient’s experience. Whether your patient is finding out the gender of her baby or visiting to check on a suspicious mass, you are with them on their journey. 

You Can Complete Your Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program at Beckfield College in No Time!

At Beckfield College, we offer a 24-month program to become a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer.3 You will take courses that involve in-depth analysis of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pathophysiology and the application of ultrasound to prepare graduates to accurately and efficiently aid physicians in diagnosing disease. Apply now or call us at (859) 371-9393 for more information. 


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